Human Rights Good Practice Guide on Base Stations Security

This issue paper reviews key considerations and practices involved in protecting human rights when providing security for telecommunications base stations or Base Transceiver Stations (BTS's).

GeSI Members operating BTS in less developed countries have confronted greater

challenges relating to both security and human rights related concerns than developed market operators. Although the drivers for this have not been the subject of this paper, it is plausible that this may be due to the greater incidences of poverty (driving the need to access the fuel and valuable equipment at BTS), and by failures in the rule of law which might otherwise deter theft and vandalism.

In these Markets, GeSI Members appear to be adopting practices that are broadly consistent with the expectations of the Voluntary Principles on Security in Human Rights.

In particular Members in less developed markets have set systems and processes to:

  • Engage in on-going consultation with a range of key stakeholders on BTS security and human rights
  • Assess and manage human rights risks as they relate to BTS security
  • Consult with public sector security providers
  • Consider human rights when selecting private security providers
  • Ensure private security providers adhere to good practice expectations in respecting human rights
  • Report and address human rights abuses.

Members operating in developed countries find they face few security challenges. These members have not, except in rare circumstances, included human rights in security management considerations.

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